
Constructing Tomorrow's Legacy Today

Roseau Road Reinstatement Project

Roseau Road Reinstatement Project

Funding for the project was provided by means of a loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED). The project, which began in June of 2009 and was completed in March of 2010 embarked upon the following:

  • Construction of a bridge fifty (50) metres in length with three spans (with approaches, the length of the bridge is sixty (60) metres) over the Roseau River and located on the axis of Bath Road.
  • The reconstruction and extension of Link Road from Goodwill Road to Federation Drive (~560m) and connection to the new bridge. The work comprises a 2-lane asphaltic concrete road with parking lane from Goodwill Road to the bridge (360m), sidewalks on each side of the road, a new embankment and wall along the river, an underground drainage network and an important amount of filling material due to the vertical drop of the natural ground along the path of the planned road. Construction of this road requires the demolition of a few houses.
  • The reconstruction of an extension of Windsor Park Road (~560m) starting from the south abutment of the new bridge and ending at Valley Road in the vicinity of the Botanical Gardens. This section of road comprises two driving lanes, sidewalks on each side and asphaltic concrete surface. Many old buildings will be demolished to permit construction of this road.


Contractual price – EC$17 900 415.00.


Mohammed Abdulmoshin Al-Kharafi& Sons


28 January 2023



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Address:1st Floor,
Government Headquarters,
Kennedy Avenue, Roseau,
Commonwealth of Dominica

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